The Body Electric: Writing Embodied Poetry
11:00AM-1:00PM CST
What does it mean, as Walt Whitman famously wrote, to “sing the body electric”? How do we write from the heart or listen to the liver? How can we bring the wisdom of our felt, embodied experience into our poetry? In this class, we’ll explore how our bodies can be incredible guides and resources for our writing, through mindfulness practice, reading and discussing the work of other writers, workshopping each others’ pieces, and guided writing prompts. By the end of this five-week course, you’ll:
Connect to the wisdom of your body and bring it onto the page
Read and discuss poetry of and about the body from other writers
Learn craft tools to make your poems shine
Write new poems and receive in-depth feedback
Workshop the writing of your classmates
Harness your creativity through guided writing prompts
Get tips on publishing your pieces
Connect with a compassionate community of other writers
This workshop is open to adults 18+. Registration is limited to twelve students.
Sliding scale tuition:
$150 - if you’re making ends meet
$225 - if you’re financially stable
$300 - if you’re financially flourishing