Mindful Writing Three-Week Series
saturdays december 2,9,&16
At People's Food Co-op, 3029 SE 21st Ave., Portland OR
Each class in this three-week Mindful Writing series is stand-alone, although attending all three is encouraged.
December 2: Foundations
In our first class, we’ll lay a good foundation so that we can fully show up for ourselves, each other, and our writing. We’ll create supportive group guidelines, learn to meditate, engage in writing together, and practice a simple yet powerful way of giving feedback.
December 9: Deepening the Practice
In our second class, we’ll dive more deeply into Mindful Writing. We’ll continue our meditation practice, engage in longer writing sessions, have the opportunity to share our writing in both small and large groups, and learn a more in-depth way of giving feedback.
December 16: New Tools
In our third and final class, we’ll continue deepening our writing and meditation skills, explore the mindfulness practice of “Aimless Wandering” outside, and learn new tools to bring meditation and writing into our daily lives.
Sliding scale $15-35 per class. Class is limited to 10 people. Pre-registration required.